
In the village the population is nearly 2000 people today. For years the people are choosing this settlement a place of residence. The beautiful natural environment, well-built up road network are an excellent for the visitors. Locals and visitors life smoothed and sweeten more the bike path, which is connecting with other surrounding villages and the constantly development of services and institutions. One of the attractions of the village is already known in the Middle Ages, which is the Sarlós Boldogasszony chapel. This is a miraculous place, which many pilgrims and tourists visit throughout the year. The chapel is located near the Village Museum and the Szigetköz Museum. Here we could acquainted with folk memories of the village, and the people’s personal articles who live in Szigetköz. Also here, the well-kept surrounding of the Chapel Square is a Memorial of the World War I., and the Rose Garden of thousands of rose-bush as well. The Roman Catholic Church, which built in the XVII. cenruty, located on the main road of the village. The parks and public spaces are due to the people so flowers, cared for than their own gardens. Máriakálnok has three riding halls. One riding hall is the home of the international dressage competitions. People who loves fishing and water sports can get a lot of experiences by the Moson-Danube and the Danube branch of Kálnok.