
The first documentation - in german language (1410, „Kalthostan”) and the first in hungarian (1425, „Lever”) - of Levél can be found in the Capitular Archive in Bratislava (Sk).Traditionally the name „Levél” comes from the words „Lővér”, „Lever”, which reminds of the Pecheneg border-wardens and archers. After the habitants were charioteers, couriers and postmen from the fort of Magyaróvár. That’s why the village got the name „land of the letter-men” (Letter=levél). Under the assault of the Turkis army (1529) the region was emptied, Győr and Moson County were destroyed. In 1570 King Miksa I. resettled the area with saxons of Württenberg. They were roman catholics and spoke german. Later the settlement was owned by two noble families, the Forgách and the Zichy. From 1763 Levél was Habsburg domain, Mária Krisztina (daughter of Mária Terézia) owned it from 1773.